yeni nurhasanah

Training and Writing: The Research about QuipperSchool

Quipper School is a Social Learning Network that is not paid and in which there are many learning materials needed by the students. Quipperschool media can be used anywhere, anytime, and by anyone.

  • Training and Writing: The Research about QuipperSchool
The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 Article 31, paragraph 1 states that "Every citizen is entitled to education". Education is the right of every individual regardless of social class differences, rich and poor, age, class or residence. Education entitled obtained by anyone, anywhere and anytime. Educational programs held not only done in the classroom, further allowing people to be able to learn anywhere and anytime, also with a relatively low cost. Media Quipperschool is a medium that can be used as a learning support activities. Quipperschool is a Social Learning Network that is not paid and in which there are many learning materials needed by the students. Quipperschool media can be used anywhere, anytime, and by anyone on the condition that there is a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphonedan course internet connection. Needed research on Quipperschool media as learning support activities that Quipperschool presence in helping the prevalence of education throughout the country can be realized with excellent quality of service both for teachers and students. Therefore, bermaksu researchers to conduct research on the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of media Quipperschool as supporting learning activities. The research method used is descriptive analysis method. Stages of research conducted consists of four phases: preparation, implementation, data analysis stage and the final stage of making the conclusions.

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